Phyllis in Kakamega Needs someone descent, lively up of age above 22 and ready for me alone

I am Phyllis by name in Lugari, Kakamega County seeking for hookups with any guy from any County regardless of the tribe, religion and academic status. He should be descent guy, smart in outfit, lively up, above 21 and ready for me alone.

Not looking for a husband but a guy to have a good time on weekends when i am free from work on this December festive season. I need A cool Guy who’s not dramatic, someone who knows how to treat ladies, I mean someone romantic and also good in bed. I am so lonely. No jokers please, I need serious, mature sugar boy.

Name: Phyllis
Age: 39
Resident: Lugari, Kakamega County

For hookups WhatsAppTelegram or SMS auntie Stacey on 0783 664 125.

6 thoughts on “Phyllis in Kakamega Needs someone descent, lively up of age above 22 and ready for me alone

  1. Im willington Akweya from Kakamega, intrested in a sugar mummy

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